About Ammonite Daze

G'day! Ammonite Daze are two brothers based on Magnetic Island (Yunbenun), making music to inspire people to connect with the ocean, natural world and the cosmos.

They are self taught musicians, write, record, & produce all of their own music.

Lawrence is a Marine Biologist, underwater photographer, and is most commonly known as SNORKELDOWNUNDER. Initially he started making music for his unique underwater videos which his followers really enjoyed. Oliver is a music enthusiast, self taught guitarists that enjoys the challenge of mixing and mastering music. With their talents combined they formed, Ammonite Daze.

They believe as a collective humans have become disconnected with nature and it is time to remember where we came from, be the caretakers of this world & pave the way with music.

Immerse yourself into the conscious dreamscape with their debut single, Starry Night.


Starry Night Music Video Out now